Antagonist Nedir

Antagonist Nedir ? Antagonist Ne demek ?



3-)Karşıt etkin

4-)Karşıt olarak hareket eden; kasların kasılmasında iten ve çeken kasların birbirine karşıt hareketi.

5-)Bir hormonun, nörotransmitterin ya da ilacın etkisine zıt etki yapan herhangi bir madde.

6-)Bir hormon, nörotransmitter veya ilacın etkisine zıt etki yapan herhangi bir madde.

7-)Bir ilacın, hormonun veya nörotransmitterin etkisine zıt etki yapan herhangi bir madde.

8-)Muhasım, karşı çIkan, muhalif kimse

9-)Muhalif, karşı çıkan, karşı olan kimse, düşman, hasım, rakip


11-)i. hasım, muhalif.

Bu bilgi faydalı oldu mu ?


Kelime Türü Nedir ?

Bu kelime Tıp Terimidir.

İngilizcesi İngilizce
One who contends with another, especially in combat; an adversary; an opponent.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Muscle which acts in opposition to another; as a flexor, which bends a part, is the antagonist of an extensor, which extends it.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Medicine which opposes the action of another medicine or of a poison when absorbed into the blood or tissues.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Drug or a compound that opposes the physiological effects of another At the receptor level, it is a chemical entity that opposes the receptor- associated responses normally induced by another bioactive agent [IUPAC Medicinal Chemistry] Compare agonist.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
An agent or substance that counteracts the action of another.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Muscle that counteracts the agonist, lengthening when the agonist muscle contracts.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Chemical that binds to a receptor and blocks it, producing no response, and preventing agonists from binding, or attaching, to the receptor Antagonists include caffeine and naloxone.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Drug that prevents or reverses the action of another drug.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Substance that tends to nullify the action of another.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Substance that tends to nullify the action of another; in pharmaceutical terms, a drug that binds to a receptor without eliciting a biological response.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Character whose actions work in direct opposition to the protagonist Examples:.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Compound or drug which blocks or inhibits the effects of a neurotransmitter on receptor activation in the post-synaptic cell.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Molecule that makes it more difficult for a post-synaptic cell to be influenced by neurotransmitters.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Molecule that prevents the activation of a receptor See Agonist.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
One agent that opposes or fights the action of another For example, insulin lowers the level of glucose in the blood, whereas glucagon raises it; therefore, insulin and glucagon are antagonists.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Biological agent that reduces the number or disease-producing activities of a pathogen.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The major character in opposition to the hero or protagonist of a narrative or drama.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Something opposing or resisting the action of another One of two muscles which pull in nearly opposite directions.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Antagonistic; opposing; counteracting; as, antagonist schools of philosophy.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Drug that neutralizes or counteracts the effects of another drug a muscle that relaxes while another contracts; 'when bending the elbow the triceps are the antagonist'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Someone who offers opposition.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Muscle that relaxes while another contracts; 'when bending the elbow the triceps are the antagonist'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Drug that neutralizes or counteracts the effects of another drug.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Opponent of the protagonist in a drama.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Neutral term for a character who opposes the leading male or female character See hero/heroine and protagonist Close Window.

Sizde içinde Antagonist kelimesi geçen bir şeyler paylaşın !

Antagonist kelimesi anlamı 96 defa okunmuştur. [227282] Antagonist kelime anlamı, Antagonist nedir, Antagonist ne demek, Antagonist sözlük anlamı
