Dragon Nedir

Dragon Nedir ? Dragon Ne demek ?

1-)Yelkenli bir yarış teknesi Batı ordularında atlı ya da yaya olarak çarpışan asker sınıfı Batı ordularında, atlı veya yaya olarak çarpışan asker sınıfı Ejderha


3-)Batı ordularında, atlı veya yaya olarak çarpışan asker sınıfı.

4-)Eskiden kimi batı ülkeleri ordularında atlı ya da yaya olarak savaşan asker sınıfı.

5-)Ejderha, ateş saçan kanatlı bir sürüngen şeklinde tanımlananefsanevi bir hayvan

6-)Eski yılan

7-)Çok hiddetli kimse (bilhassa kadın)

8-)Ejderha, dragon; hiddetli kimse; gözleri çakmak çakmak olmuş kimse, sinirinden kuduran kimse

9-)i. ejderha, ejder.

Bu bilgi faydalı oldu mu ?


İngilizcesi İngilizce
Fabulous animal, generally represented as a monstrous winged serpent or lizard, with a crested head and enormous claws, and regarded as very powerful and ferocious.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Constellation of the northern hemisphere figured as a dragon; Draco.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Luminous exhalation from marshy grounds, seeming to move through the air as a winged serpent.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Short musket hooked to a swivel attached to a soldier's belt; so called from a representation of a dragon's head at the muzzle.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Small arboreal lizard of the genus Draco, of several species, found in the East Indies and Southern Asia.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Five or six of the hind ribs, on each side, are prolonged and covered with weblike skin, forming a sort of wing.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
These prolongations aid them in making long leaps from tree to tree.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Called also flying lizard.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Variety of carrier pigeon.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Eagle Elk Tooth.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The dragon is of ancient date and played a prominent part in early romance, though little used in English heraldry He is usually depicted with four legs and wings, a long barbed tail, usually knotted, and a body protected by scales When the dragon is drawn without wings he is called a lindworm; without feet, a serpent; when he hangs by the head, it represents a conquered dragon.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Fierce, violent person, esp.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Fabulous winged creature, sometimes borne as a charge in a coat of arms.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Any of several small tropical Asian lizards capable of gliding by spreading winglike membranes on each side of the body a creature of Teutonic mythology; usually represented as breathing fire and having a reptilian body and sometimes wings a fiercely vigilant and unpleasant woman.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Creature of Teutonic mythology; usually represented as breathing fire and having a reptilian body and sometimes wings.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Fiercely vigilant and unpleasant woman.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Faint constellation twisting around the north celestial pole and lying between Ursa Major and Cepheus.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Any of several small tropical Asian lizards capable of gliding by spreading winglike membranes on each side of the body.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Any non-humanoid, sentient reptilian species Dragons vary widely in size, shape, and culture Some dragons have wings, horns, and complex magical structures Most dragons have scales, claws, and an ancient heritage.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Ancient creatures of strength, wisdom and power.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The Dragon was created when working on an interpretation of the Story of St George He is an intellectual and a humanist He only wants to eat Cleodalinda because that is what dragons do When confronted by St George he tries to rationalize with him and convince the knight that the woman he is rescuing is more trouble than she is worth This doesn't work and the dragon is killed As the story takes place in a world outside of the main continuum, it is usually shown only in books or on the labels of bottles.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Type of alien with reptilian features; very powerful and dangerous.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Serpent or reptile of mythology, stories of dragons pervade many cultures Most tales portray dragons as huge, scale-bearing creatures with a crested head, enormous claws and a pointed tail Dragons are said to possess the ability to fly, and they have the unique ability to breath fire in combat Interesting link; Postcard from Azeroth on the subject of dragons.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Heb tannim, plural of tan The name of some unknown creature inhabiting desert places and ruins ; probably, as translated in the Revised Version, the jackal.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Fear 2 materialism 3 represed emotion 4 the power of the unconscious 5 Kundalini power 6 slaying dragon; dispelling of negative power fears, thinking and allows awakening to higher levels of awareness.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Huge, winged lizard capable of exhaling a stream of fire Only a few dozen of these ancient creatures exist, but they have long life spans and are very difficult to kill.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Fictional, lizard-like, fire breathing creature.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Civilized race inhabiting the island southeast of the Minor Continent Dragons all use specific elemental magic.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Small aimal with wings and four legs, compare with birds only two legs.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Old SCA euphemism for a car.

  • Bigelow Aerospace’in üçüncü yaşanabilir modül prototiği olan BEAM’in, 2015’in ortalarında Space X’in Dragon kargo uzay aracıyla Uzay’a gönderilmesi planlanıyor.
  • Uzaya fırlatılan kapsülde problem çıktı Uluslararası Uzay İstasyonu ( UUİ ) için 544 kilogramlık malzeme taşıyan Dragon kapsülünü iticilerinde problem çıktı.

Sizde içinde Dragon kelimesi geçen bir şeyler paylaşın !

Dragon kelimesi anlamı 119 defa okunmuştur. [53403] Dragon kelime anlamı, Dragon nedir, Dragon ne demek, Dragon sözlük anlamı
