Jargon Nedir

Jargon Nedir ? Jargon Ne demek ?

1-)Bkz. argo

2-)Dar bir çevreye özgü dil, argo.

3-)Kelimeleri yerinde kullanamama ile karekterize anlamsız ve anlaşılmaz konuşma.


5-)Anlaşılmaz dil veya söz

6-)Belirli bir grubun kullandığı dil.

7-)Jargon, özel dil, meslek argosu, mesleki dil

8-)i. 1. anlaşılmaz dil. 2. meslek argosu. 3. özel dil.

Bu bilgi faydalı oldu mu ?


İngilizcesi İngilizce
Confused, unintelligible language; gibberish; hence, an artificial idiom or dialect; cant language; slang.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
To utter jargon; to emit confused or unintelligible sounds; to talk unintelligibly, or in a harsh and noisy manner.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Variety of zircon.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Peddler's french.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The informal or technical language used by members of the same profession or industry.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The language used within a particular field Computer Jargon is compiled in the definitive Jargon File [Buy the Book].
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The language, especially vocabulary of a particular trade, profession or group Jargon is distinct from terminology in that it tends to be colourful, colloquial and visual Its meaning is often confined to an occupational context and even to a locality Often the meaning of the jargon is not understood outside the occupation Examples of occupational jargon are 'beans' a collier's term for small coals; 'dolphins', a group of piles driven into harbors to serve as bumpers for vessels, and 'ginnywink', an A-frame derrick with a fixed rear leg The latter two examples of jargon are from the operating engineers' occupation.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The sometimes incomprehensible language used to talk about specialized topics If you need help with computer jargon, check out Jargon, by Robin Williams, a lighthearted and detailed trip through this industry.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The special technical language of a profession or a group In academic terms, it refers to the specialist language of various disciplines It should be used with restraint and discretion.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
New words are used in oral speech long before they are acceptable in formal written language When writing, generally avoid using trendy phrases 'dysfunctional situation'), slang , jargon , and new or recently coined words.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Any specialized language of a group that is used to improve the efficiency of communication among members of the group.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The technical language of a special field Learning linguistic terms has been important to our course Groups use specialized lexicon to communicate more directly or accurately, express group solidarity, and maintain status or oppositional identity.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Specialized vocabulary of those in the same work or profession; redundant or wordy writing.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Words and phrases only you and a small circle of friends know Used for flashing around to show who is in and who is out.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Specialized language used by job holders or members of particular occupations or organizations.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Jargon , slang.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Jargon, jargoon.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
İngilizcesi İngilizce
See Zircon.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Specialized technical terminology characteristic of a particular subject.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Characteristic language of a particular group ; 'they don't speak our lingo'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Colorless variety of zircon.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Language that is used or understood only by a select group of people Jargon may refer to terminology used in a certain profession, such as computer jargon, or it may refer to any nonsensical language that is not understood by most people Literary examples of jargon are Francois Villon's Ballades en jargon, which is composed in the secret language of the coquillards, and Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange, narrated in the fictional characters' language of 'Nadsat.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The technical language of an occupation or group.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The language used within a particular field Computer Jargon is compiled in the definitive Jargon File.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Language known only to members of a specific group, company or industry.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The language professionals use that no one can ever understand.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
İs the technical or specialist words used by a particular group of people and difficult for others to understand Back to Top.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Technical language evolved by specialists so that they can communicate more accurately and efficiently about their interests or concerns.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Technical terminology of a special activity or group Also, selection of obscure and often pretentious language, indicated by the use of a large number of unnecessary words to express an idea needing fewer words.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Like all other specialised subjects, the Internet has its own jargon; a somewhat cryptic language describing technical details Some jargon is explained in this glossary.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Language used by a particular group, often not understood by the general population: computer jargon, English teacher jargon.

  • Adams'ın hayranları, kitaplarından alınma bir Jargon kullanmaktan hoşlanırlar.
  • Bayan arkadaş ileriden zikzaklar çizerek ‘kim bu be’ diyerek, onlar ifadelerde yer aldı, ırkçı Jargon kullanarak, bunun mu elini sıkıyorsunuz ? Diyor ve yakama yapışıyor.

Sizde içinde Jargon kelimesi geçen bir şeyler paylaşın !

Jargon kelimesi anlamı 127 defa okunmuştur. [249405] Jargon kelime anlamı, Jargon nedir, Jargon ne demek, Jargon sözlük anlamı
