Known Nedir

Known Nedir ? Known Ne demek ?


2-)Belli, bilinen, tanınan

3-)f., bak. know. s. bilinen. i.

Bu bilgi faydalı oldu mu ?


Kelime Türü Nedir ?

Bu kelime Teknik bir Terimdir.

  • His name was given to the 18th Amendment to the American Constitution, the Volstead Act, passed in January 1919 but Known and understood now as the dawn of prohibition.
  • Through our rich history of scientific progress and colourful political intrigue, Edinburgh is already Known and loved, and would easily be accepted into the world.

Sizde içinde Known kelimesi geçen bir şeyler paylaşın !

Known kelimesi anlamı 28 defa okunmuştur. [100851] Known kelime anlamı, Known nedir, Known ne demek, Known sözlük anlamı
