Against The Grain Nedir

Against The Grain Nedir ? Against The Grain Ne demek ?

1-)Doğasına Aykırı

2-)İsteksizce, tersine

Bu bilgi faydalı oldu mu ?


Kelime Türü Nedir ?

Bu kelime Tıp Terimidir.

  • It is sometimes necessary to go Against The Grain of public opinion to make tough decisions in the wider and long-term national interest.
  • Sunday night went Against The Grain - we finally got a taste of play-off intensity as the Sox and Indians provided a winner-takes-all encounter at Fenway Park.

Sizde içinde Against The Grain kelimesi geçen bir şeyler paylaşın !

Against The Grain kelimesi anlamı 25 defa okunmuştur. [223345] Against The Grain kelime anlamı, Against The Grain nedir, Against The Grain ne demek, Against The Grain sözlük anlamı
