Gene Nedir

Gene Nedir ? Gene Ne demek ?

1-)Yeniden, bir daha, yine, tekrar // Öyle de olsa; öyle olmasına karşılık // Öylesi de




5-)i., biyol. gen.

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İngilizcesi İngilizce
Segment of DNA that is involved in producing a polypeptide chain; it can include regions preceding and following the coding DNA as well as introns between the exons; it is considered a unit of heredity; 'genes were formerly called factors'.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The unit of heredity A gene contains hereditary information encoded in the form of DNA and is located at a specific position on a chromosome in a cell's nucleus Genes determine many aspects of anatomy and physiology by controlling the production of proteins Each individual has a unique sequence of genes, or genetic code.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The fundamental physical and functional unit of heredity A gene is an ordered sequence of nucleotides located in a particular position on a particular chromosome that encodes a specific functional product See also: gene expression.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The functional and physical unit of heredity A gene is a sequence of nucleotide bases located in a particular position on a particular chromosome that encodes for a specific RNA molecule or protein.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The segment of DNA on a chromosome that contains the information necessary to make a protein A gene is the unit of biological inheritance.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The functional and physical unit of heredity passed from parent to offspring Genes are pieces of DNA, and most genes contain the information for making a specific protein.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Unit of hereditary information A gene is a section of a DNA molecule that specifies the production of a particular protein More on genes.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The gene is the functional unit of heredity which occupies a specific place on a chromosome.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Two different subtleties to the definitions, depending on whether you are refering to prokaryotic or eukaryotic genes! In both cases it is a unit of heredity, however in eukaryotes this unit may include both the protein coding region, and RNA coding region of a DNA sequence In prokaryotes, a gene is refers only to the protein coding region, because multiple genes may be expressed from a single RNA molecule.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Unit of genetic material ; a segment of DNA that contains the information for a specific function.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The functional unit of heredity Each gene sits on a chromosome within the cell nucleus.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Segment of DNA specifying a unit of genetic information; an ordered sequence of nucleotide base pairs that produce a certain product that has a specific function.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
An organized sequence of molecules that 'spells out' the information necessary to construct a specific messenger called 'messenger RNA' which, in turn, makes a specific protein Every cell requires a host of genes that act as blueprints to produce highly specialized proteins that are essential to the cell's function For example, the genes ROM-1 and peripherin are important in forming the outer segment membranes of photoreceptor cells Other proteins, like rhodopsin, are involved in a rod cell's response to light.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Basic unit of hereditary information A gene consists of a DNA segment, which includes information for the synthesis of RNA In some cases this RNA itself is the final product However, it is mostly used for the transport of genetic information to the ribosomes, where proteins are then assembled.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Dna segment which, due to its individual composition of pairs of bases, is responsible for the production of specific proteins Genes are the basic units of heredity The order in which the 4 bases of DNA are linked in a gene is called the sequence of a gene.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Made-Up of DNA and contained in every cell, they are sets of instructions that control biological development and function You inherit genes as distinct units from your parents.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The fundamental physical and functional unit of heredity A gene is an ordered sequence of nucleotides located in a particular position on a particular chromosome that encodes a specific functional product See gene expression.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Unit of heredity that occupies a particular position on the DNA molecule in a chromosome; a segment of DNA containing all of the information necessary to make proteins.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Natural unit of the hereditary material, which is the physical basis for the transmission of the characteristics of living organisms from one generation to another.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The functional unit of of DNA Genes are segments of chromosomes found in the nucleus of cells This hereditary information usually directs the formation of a protein.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The fundamental physical and functional unit of heredity, responsible for specific traits such as eye color A gene is an ordered sequence of nucleotides located in a particular position on a particular chromosome that encodes a specific functional product A gene is written in a code of four letters: A, C, T and G, representing four chemicals, and depending on the gene, these letters are repeated a certain number of times The smallest human gene contains 252 repetitions of these letters, while the longest one repeat them more than a million times There are approximately 30,000 genes in the human genome Source : Human Genome Project Information; PhRMA Genomics.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
İngilizcesi İngilizce
İngilizcesi İngilizce
İngilizcesi İngilizce
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Even so.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
The fundamental physical and functional unit of heredity A gene is an ordered sequence of nucleotides located in a particular position on a particular chromosome that encodes a specific functional product.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Unit of inheritance; a working subunit of DNA Each of the body's 50,000 to 100,000 genes contains the code for a specific product, typically, a protein such as an enzyme.
İngilizcesi İngilizce
Specific sequence of DNA that encodes for a specific trait, characteristic, or protein in an organism.

  • Gene fena oldum
  • Gene de bakmak lazim
  • Gene de ben bir cesaret, o zaman Hürriyet Doğan Grubunda değildi.
  • Zira açık konuşmak gerekirse euroda faiz indirimi tehlikesi ortadan kalkmadı ve sonraki ECB toplantısında Gene gündeme gelecektir.

Sizde içinde Gene kelimesi geçen bir şeyler paylaşın !

Gene kelimesi anlamı 470 defa okunmuştur. [223563] Gene kelime anlamı, Gene nedir, Gene ne demek, Gene sözlük anlamı
